What exactly is balayage and
why is it so popular?
Balayage has been around for a while, but this timeless technique is creeping its way back into being one of the most popular hair color requests in salons today. We’ve spoken to the some of the leading experts to get some professional insight into the booming hair trend, balayage.
What is balayage?
Balayage is a French word meaning to sweep or to paint. It’s a freehand hair coloring technique that gives a really blended natural look with no harsh or obvious regrowth lines.
Balayage allows for a sun-kissed natural looking hair color, with softer, less noticeable re-growth. The principal idea being less is more when creating a natural, multi-tonal finish. The technique uses patches of light and shade to create
multiple dimensions to the colour.
It’s a great method if you want to refresh your
color but don’t want to go for a bold color overhaul.

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